Floodplain Management
Attention: Until further notice, the use of the Department's Map Room will be by appointment only. Please email the Map Room at maproom@jishuoba.com to schedule an appointment. Thank you.
Floodplain Management and Grading Code Ordinances Resources
The purpose of Floodplain Management is to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in flood hazard areas.
Engineering Bulletins
- Engineering Bulletin 11-01 Precipitation Data
- Engineering Bulletin 11-02 Sump Volume Requirements
- Engineering Bulletin 11-03 Financial Assurance Requirements 2019
Flood Insurance Studies
- Flood Insurance Study - Volume 1
- Flood Insurance Study - Volume 2
- Flood Insurance Study - Volume 3
- Flood Insurance Study - Volume 4
Removing a structure from a FEMA designated Special Flood Hazard Area may require one or more of the following documents:
- MT-1
- MT-2
- Zone A BFE Instructions
- Elevation Certificate
Available for review, the Preliminary FEMA Kern County Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). See the following links.